Thursday 23 May 2013

I have been thinking about using this blog for more than just my knitting patterns, which at the moment are few and far between, but unsure on what I can do with it.

Do I talk about the things that are important to me?  Do I tell people about what I have been doing?  Or should I recommend things that I like?  Well I think I am going to do a mixture of all three!  I do have very strong opinions and sometimes I get in trouble (mostly with my family), but I stick to my guns.  I have very definite ideas on what I like and will always recommend things that I think are worthwhile.

So for a new start to this blog (I will still post my patterns though!!)...

I think that sitting here with my broken thumb is making me think things over.  I can't do anything but read and watch tv, plus typing really slowly (which is something I'm not used to).  I have found a little outfit I would love:

My Night Out Outfit

Now that I have finally found a job that I love and getting paid I can afford the little luxuries I haven't been able to afford for the past three years.  So the thought of being able to go out and buy that outfit is very appealing.

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