Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Still waiting..

So its been 8 weeks and I am still waiting on an improvement with the thumb!  I have a new purple splint, so I can start to use my wrist more.

The summer seems to be here, but I only want it to be sunny on my days off!  With the big windows in Recovery we can see all the nice weather and people enjoying it!

We went to see World War Z on Friday night and I have to say I was impressed.  I'm not one for zombie movies, but this film had a plot.  And it wasn't about how many zombies could be killed.  It was very well written and I would definitely recommend people to see this film.

I haven't posted any outfits in a while, but I will rectify that soon!

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Handy Tip

Things still haven't improved on the thumb front, but I can still just about use the computer.

I've been thinking a lot about this summer.  I have quite a few weddings and a few weekends away.  So using Polyvore, I've been looking at different outfits and putting things together for these trips.  I have even found a few that aren't pink!!  I've linked it to this blog now, so you should see some more come through!

Next month my car insurance is due for renewal and I was astonished at the differences in quotes.  My original renewal quote came through for £956 and as you can imagine I was horrified.  So I used one of those comparison websites and found one for £289!  A huge difference.  So I thought I'd ring my current company up and find out why there was such a huge difference.  The lady on the phone thought that it might be because I was still on their system as a student nurse.  I didn't think that would have made much difference, but when she recalculated my quote is jumped down to £450.  I still went with the £289, but there's a warning there, make sure you know what you do for a job!!

Thursday, 23 May 2013

I have been thinking about using this blog for more than just my knitting patterns, which at the moment are few and far between, but unsure on what I can do with it.

Do I talk about the things that are important to me?  Do I tell people about what I have been doing?  Or should I recommend things that I like?  Well I think I am going to do a mixture of all three!  I do have very strong opinions and sometimes I get in trouble (mostly with my family), but I stick to my guns.  I have very definite ideas on what I like and will always recommend things that I think are worthwhile.

So for a new start to this blog (I will still post my patterns though!!)...

I think that sitting here with my broken thumb is making me think things over.  I can't do anything but read and watch tv, plus typing really slowly (which is something I'm not used to).  I have found a little outfit I would love:

My Night Out Outfit

Now that I have finally found a job that I love and getting paid I can afford the little luxuries I haven't been able to afford for the past three years.  So the thought of being able to go out and buy that outfit is very appealing.